Event Time: 09:30 / Event Location: Kotor

Since the 9th century, the bay of Kotor celebrates the St Tryphon in honor of this martyr of the third century, considered as the patron saint of Kotor, and now respected throughout the region.
At the end of January, the patron saint of Kotor begins to be prayed, and praise reaches its apogee on St. Tryphon on 3 February.
Hundreds of pilgrims are at the rendezvous. 12 religious dignitaries, 6 Catholics and 6 Orthodox, bless relics, praised at a solemn and ecumenical celebration. The cathedral of Kotor, dedicated to the saint, attracts many Catholics, but also visitors from other denominations and atheists, all attracted by the folkloric dimension of the St Tryphon.
On Sunday, 5 February, the Navy presents a show in front of the cathedral before the procession to the city center.

This year St.Tryphon Days lasts from 27 January to 5 February.